We support our clients in the development and certification of their equipment (obtaining ETSO) + STC, i.e. providing them with support according to ARP 4754 and 4761, safety study (RAMS) or supporting them in developing according to DO-178, 254, 330... support for V&V.
Our support often takes the form of a package offer (WP) or technical assistance on customer site or providing expertise through a consulting offer.
Our support often takes the form of a package offer (WP) or technical assistance on customer site or providing expertise through a consulting offer.
- Development, certification assistance and installation of equipment & systems
- Equipment development according to certification specifications: CS-23, CS-25, CS-27, CS-29, ETSO
- Implementation of standards ARP4754, ARP4761, DO-178C, DO-254, DO-160, DO-330
- Supplemental Type Certificates
- Customer training on certification